The existence of the solution of a boundary value problem for Benjamin, Bona and Mahony type equation with the Hilfer fractional differential operator

The existence of the solution of a boundary value problem for Benjamin, Bona and Mahony type equation with the Hilfer fractional differential operator


  • Djurayeva Yokutxon Bakhromjon kizi


Annotation. In the present paper, we study the non-existence of the solution to the initialboundary value problem for time-fractional Benjamin, Bona and Mohany type equation in a rectangular
domain. To do this, we used the method proposed by Pokhojaev (see [1]) to analyze the perturbations of
solutions of nonlinear equations.


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T.B. Benjamin, J.L. Bona, J. J. Mahony. Model equations for long waves in nonlinear dispersive systems. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. Ser. A. 272, 47–78 (1972).

R.Hilfer, Applications of Fractional Calculus in Physics, World Scientific, Singapore, 200, p.87 and p.429.

R.Hilfer, Experimental evidence for fractional time evolution in glass materials, Chem. Physics 284(2002), 399-408.



How to Cite

Djurayeva, Y. (2024). The existence of the solution of a boundary value problem for Benjamin, Bona and Mahony type equation with the Hilfer fractional differential operator: The existence of the solution of a boundary value problem for Benjamin, Bona and Mahony type equation with the Hilfer fractional differential operator. MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Mathematical analysis, differential equations and equations of mathematical physics