The generalized - expansion method for finding travelling wave solutions of the loaded Korteweg - de Vries equation with variable coefficients.

The generalized - expansion method for finding travelling wave solutions of the loaded Korteweg - de Vries equation with variable coefficients.


  • Xasanov Muzaffar Masharipovich,
  • Azimov Doniyor Baxram o’gli,
  • Ataxonova Muxayyo Rashidbekovna


This paper is dedicated to find the solutions of the equation of the loaded Korteweg - de Vries
equation with variable coefficients. It is shown to find the solutions via - expansion method that
is one of the most effective way of finding solutions.


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How to Cite

Xasanov, M., Azimov , D., & Ataxonova, M. (2024). The generalized - expansion method for finding travelling wave solutions of the loaded Korteweg - de Vries equation with variable coefficients. : The generalized - expansion method for finding travelling wave solutions of the loaded Korteweg - de Vries equation with variable coefficients . MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Mathematical analysis, differential equations and equations of mathematical physics