Ergodicity of non-Volterra quadratic operators corresponding to permutations

Ergodicity of non-Volterra quadratic operators corresponding to permutations


  • Jamilov U.U.,
  • Khudoyberdiev Kh.O.


A point is called a periodic point of if there exists an so that . The
smallest positive integer satisfying the above is called the prime period or least period of the point .
A period-one point is called a fixed point of .


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How to Cite

Jamilov, U., & Khudoyberdiev , K. (2024). Ergodicity of non-Volterra quadratic operators corresponding to permutations: Ergodicity of non-Volterra quadratic operators corresponding to permutations. MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Mathematical analysis, differential equations and equations of mathematical physics