The -catch problem with two players under exponentially damping geometric constraints

The -catch problem with two players under exponentially damping geometric constraints


  • Abdulla Azamov Azamovich
  • Turgunboyeva Mohisanam Akhmadullo kizi


Annotation. We examine the -catch and -escape problems in a differential game involving two players - a pursuer and an evader - with inertial movements. Both players are subject to exponential damping geometric constraints on their controls, meaning that the magnitudes of their acceleration vectors decrease monotonically over time. In the -catch problem, we construct an approach strategy for the pursuer, which aims to bring the pursuer within a distance of the evader (where ). We alsom define a sufficient condition for -catch. In the -escape problem, we propose a specific admissiblestrategy for the evader and identify a sufficient condition for successful evasion.


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How to Cite

Azamov , A., & Turgunboyeva , M. (2024). The -catch problem with two players under exponentially damping geometric constraints: The -catch problem with two players under exponentially damping geometric constraints. MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Mathematical analysis, differential equations and equations of mathematical physics