Classifying social media comments using neural networks

Classifying social media comments using neural networks


  • Ro‘ziboyev Boburbek Otabek o‘g‘li


Classifying social media comments using neural networks


Annotation. In the digital age, social media platforms have become pivotal arenas for
communication and expression. However, with the vast amount of user-generated content, moderating
and understanding the sentiment of social media comments has become increasingly challenging. This
thesis explores the application of neural networks in classifying social media comments, aiming to
enhance content moderation and sentiment analysis processes. Through the utilization of deep learning
techniques, particularly neural networks, this research investigates the effectiveness of various
architectures in accurately categorizing social media comments into


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How to Cite

Ro‘ziboyev, B. (2024). Classifying social media comments using neural networks: Classifying social media comments using neural networks. MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Computational linguistics