An Optimal Quadrature Formula with Derivative in a Hilbert Space

An Optimal Quadrature Formula with Derivative in a Hilbert Space


  • А.R.Hayotov
  • S.S. Babaev


This article presents the derivation and analysis of a weighted optimal quadrature formula in the
Hilbert space
2 W (0,1)
. The quadrature formula is expressed as a linear combination of function values
and their first-order derivatives at equidistant nodes in the interval
.The coefficients are determined
by minimizing the norm of the error functional in the dual space
2 W (0,1)
, which measures the
difference between the integral of a function over the interval and the quadrature approximation. Key
results include explicit expressions for the coefficients and the norm of the error functional


Kh. M. Shadimetov, Optimal lattice quadrature and cubature formulas in Sobolev spaces. (T.: Fan va texnologiya, 2019) p. 224.



How to Cite

Hayotov А., & Babaev, S. (2024). An Optimal Quadrature Formula with Derivative in a Hilbert Space: An Optimal Quadrature Formula with Derivative in a Hilbert Space. MODERN PROBLEMS AND PROSPECTS OF APPLIED MATHEMATICS, 1(01). Retrieved from



Computational and discrete mathematics