Ba'zi bir o‘lchovli kvadratik akslantirishlar uchun bifurkatsiya jarayoni
Ba'zi bir o‘lchovli kvadratik akslantirishlar uchun bifurkatsiya jarayoni
Ba'zi bir o‘lchovli kvadratik akslantirishlar uchun bifurkatsiya jarayoni
Devaney, R.L. An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems // New York: Westview Press, 1989, p-181.
Ganikhodzhayev R.N., Narziyev N.B., Seytov Sh.J. Multi-dimensional case of the problem of Von Neumann - Ulam. Uzbek Mathematical Journal 2015 Vol. 3, Issue 1, 11-23. (01.00.00 №6)
Seytov Sh. J., Ganikhodzhayev R. N. The method of graphical analysis for some two dimensional dynamical systems // Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, 2020, Vol.2, No 4. Page. 22-26. (01.00.00 №4)
Ganikhodzhayev R.N., Seytov Sh.J., Obidjonov I.N., Sadullayev L. The sets of Julia and Mandelbrot for multi-dimensional case of logistic mapping Central asian problems of modern science and education Vol. 2020, Issue 4, 81-94. (ОАКнинг 30.06.2020 йилдаги №01-10/1103–сон хатига илова, №8).
Ganikhodzhaev R.N., Seytov Sh.J. Coexistence chaotic behavior on the evolution of populations of the biological systems modeling by three dimensional quadratic mappings // Global and Stochastic Analysis. 2021. Vol.8, No 3. Page. 41-45. (№3 Scopus. IF= 0.248).
Ganikhodzhayev R.N., Seytov Sh.J. An analytical description of Mandelbrot and Julia sets for some multi-dimensional cubic mappings // AIP Conference Proceedings, 2021, Vol.2365, Page.050006. (№3 Scopus. IF=0.189).
Ganikhodzhaev R.N., Seytov Sh.J. Mathematical modelling of the evolutions of the populations in the connected two islands // Problems of computational and applied mathematics 2021. Vol.1 (31), Page.24-35. (01.00.00 №9)
Seytov Sh.J. Dynamics of the populations depend on previous two steps// Ilm sarchashmasi. 2022. Vol.1, No 1. Page. 17-22. (01.00.00 №12)
Seytov, Sh.J., Narziyev, N.B., Eshniyozov, A.I., Nishonov, S.N. The algorithms for developing computer programs for the sets of Julia and Mandelbrot 10.Seytov, S.J., Eshniyozov, A.I., Narziyev, N.B. Bifurcation Diagram for Two Dimensional Logistic Mapping AIP Conference Proceedings This link is disabled., 2023, 2781, 020076