
  • Tojiyeva S. QarshiDU
  • Kamolov L QarshiDU
  • Naxatov I. QarshiDU


Stachybotrys chartarum, . O-phenylenediamine


Stachybotrys chartarum yashil-qora qo‘ziqorin bo‘lib, tolali plitalar, qog‘oz, shift plitalarlarda o‘sadi. Zamburug‘ yuqori namlik, suv oqishi, suv toshqini tufayli yuzaga keladigan haddan tashqari namlik bo‘lgan joylarda sodir bo‘ladi


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How to Cite

Tojiyeva , S., Kamolov , L., & Naxatov , I. (2023). STACHYBOTRYS CHARTARUM ZAMBURUG‘IDAN BA’ZI ALKALOIDLARINI AJRATISH VA ULARNI TUZILISHINI O‘RGANISH. Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry and Modern Problems of Chemical Technology, 1(01). Retrieved from