
  • Кодиров Абдуахад Абдурахимович QarshiDU


α-aminonitriles, catalysts, cyanation reactions


The article evaluates the scale of use of α-aminonitriles in organic synthesis. The catalysts used in their synthesis, their types, as well as information about their effect on the yield of the reaction product are given. In addition, the reactivity of cyanidation reagents has been widely evaluated.


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How to Cite

Кодиров , А. (2023). ТУРЛИ СИНФ АМИНОНИТРИЛЛАРИНИНГ ЗАМОНАВИЙ СИНТЕЗ УСУЛЛАРИ. Theoretical and Experimental Chemistry and Modern Problems of Chemical Technology, 1(01). Retrieved from https://ojs.qarshidu.uz/index.php/ch/article/view/52